Trying to find things to do in the middle of nowhere.
31 October 2011
Costumes and roller blading
Tonight we had our Halloween ward party.  Kenz, KD, and I dressed up in our onezies.  I am a child and I am proud of it.  It was a lot of fun!  This is my first time in a roller rink and my first time skating since I was probably 10. It was fun(:
imma chunky panda

Creeper shot of Kenz

30 October 2011
So terribly sleepy
I feel more dead than alive right now.  I actually got 9 hours of sleep last night, as opposed to the 5 I usually get.  I went to the airport museum Halloween party last night.  I wanted to be Beyonce from her new music video right?  yeah I failed.  The party was fun though(:  I went with Kenz, Jtween and her friend A who happens to be friends with one of my friends back home. So cool right?  Anyway.  It was fun.
Today though I feel DEAD.  Deaddeaddeaddead.  I am so hungry but its fast Sunday.  So I am making scones in my apartment.  By myself.  Haha then I am going to sleep again.
We so cute (: <3

29 October 2011
This morning Kenz and I woke up and made pancakes with pineapple!  I bought a pineapple this week with the intent of learning how to cut it.  I did!  It was super fun.  Kenz twisted the top of for me.  Action shots!

 Okay now we are getting ready for the halloween dance(:  My costume is super last minute.  I am either a "real housewife of Idaho" or a housewife gone wild or the morning after.  Whatever.  Its super comfy.  I wanted to be Beyonce from her new music video where she wears a pink button up shirt.  Shes so cute. But it got lost in translation.

My dad sent me a picture of my little sister(:

My brother's face is adorable  He IS Cap. America

I am infected with sparkles.  They are EVERYWHERE.  Haha its awful.  But so good.

Life is a Dream
Yesterday Krin got his hair cut.  I got my eyebrows done and my bangs cut too.  Adam watched.  (He was still feeling the drugs from his wisdom teeth operation.)

Tonight, I had to go see Life is a Dream.  Its an English translation of a Spanish play, so it was required viewing for my Spanish class.  Unfortunately the tickets have been sold out since last week.  So we had to wait in line.  We did end up getting in, but we left at intermission.  It was so long and the actors just yelled a lot.

Waiting in line.


It took forever
There are people blasting their music outside my window.  Which normally isn't a problem.  But this is the first night I've been able to go to sleep before 2 in a few weeks and I can actually sleep in tomorrow.  So... I kind of want to sleep.
Halloween party tomorroww maybe.(: I need costume ideas. Stat.

27 October 2011
I Creep on Krin
I helped Krin do laundry.  I didn't really.  But I took really creepy pictures of him doing his laundry.

Kenz, KD, and KD's friend and I went ans saw Footloose!  It was so good.  So many references to the original.

Krin and I went and saw Paranormal Activity 3.  I'm creeping on him during dinner.  As usual.  Paranormal Activity 3 scared me so badly.  I kept screaming at Krin in the car because I heard weird noises.  SCCAARRYY.

One night at around 1 am we got really hungry.  I mean reallyyy hungry.  We live in a small town and a realigious small town at that.  So it being Sunday night every single place was closed.  Even Jack in the Box.  Jack in the Crack.  Whatever.  I'm still bitter about it.  The only thing open was the Mavericks.  So we got this massive thing of nachos and Krin ate it all.  (: Yes.  You did. Did.  Okay I ate a little. I also had carrots and orange juice.



I want to make crepes today because earlier this week I saw this idea on Pinterest where they use pumpkin pie as a crepe filling.  I made a pumpkin pie with no crust for this purpose.  I also spilled it all over the oven.

Krin's chick

Sometimes we just need some McDonalds

Krin wasn't here because he was in class.  But I did get him food.  So he should be grateful anyway.  (: hehe

Jenna will not be happy with me for putting his up.  If she sees it.
 I think she looks hot regardeless of whether she just played soccer or not.

Today we are helping Adam.  He just got his wisdom teeth out.  He asked that the after pictures not appear online until he is sane again.  So here is the before shot.  He's sleeping on my couch right now.

22 October 2011
Talk... Again...
I have to give a talk in church tomorrow.  On judging.  I had to give one over the summer and I was freaking out for days.  I'm sorry to report that my feelings regarding giving this next talk exactly mirror my previous reactions. So far, I have the topic and the one suggested talk the counselor gave me. I'm really nervous.  This talk is slightly shorter than the one I had to give over the summer.  Only 8 minutes instead of 15.  I'm still terribly nervous. On the plus side I think I may know what i want to wear to church tomorrow.  I'm going to wear my Zara black dress with the low back and put my Anthropologie midi skirt over it with my black pumps.  So that at least knocks out a teeny bit of my stress.  Not much, and knowing how I work, I will probably still change 8 times tomorrow before I leave for church anyway.
Totally off topic, but I finally watched the first two Paranormal Activities.  Tonight I think I'm going to see the newest one.  
21 October 2011
Grocery shopping expedition
Today we took the 45 minute drive to real civilization in order to go grocery shopping and to go to Target.  We also stopped at a Halloween store, but the prices were ridiculous! So I still have no costume.  Upset.
We went to Red Robins for dinner (yuuummm).  It was pretty good.  We were all out of control stuffed at the end though.


20 October 2011
The Official Taco Bus Post
One of the characteristics of where we live is the plethora of taco buses.  This is the one closest to my apartment.  Kenz, KD, and I went for spicy pork tacos.

I look like I haven't showered in days.. oh wait... I hadn't.

Spicy pork tacos

Its so delicious and perfectly complimented by a cupcake. 


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