Trying to find things to do in the middle of nowhere.
29 January 2012
Happy Birthday,Kenz!

Kenz and her boy.  Kenz went over to Jacob's house for dinner then came back home for cake and presents.  Her family sent her a package of gifts. 

We made her a four layer cake that alternated between white and red velvet with cream cheese frosting and raspberry jam in the layers. Rach was the official photographer of the evening.  She was very serious about her work.

28 January 2012
Wingers and Dodgeball
Wingers and dodgeball aren't the best combination.  However.  That is what we did yesterday.
I ate my first wingers and wanted to puke by the end. It was pretty funny.

Then we went to one of the local kid's church dodgeball games. Rachel totally slew at it.  She was always last in. 

Then to top off the night I got my first ticket.  A parking ticket but still.  Bummer. 

27 January 2012


23 January 2012
Its finally snowing.  There is a layer on the ground.  Its been so nice for so long.  Now it must end. I've been working on school lately.  Trying to be an Art History major and all that jazz.  I still feel conflicted about it.

I'm going to learn how to drive in the snow tonight since I keep almost killing myself.

Today Grant and I celebrated Chinese New Year with Chinese food! Woooo

14 January 2012
Snow Skating
We don't have a sled.  We don't even have that much snow.  But yesterday Grant and I went sledding.  On a skateboard with no wheels.  Well.  He went sledding and I shivered.  I tried once and slipped and slid down the hill.  So cold and wet.

11 January 2012
Last week two of my best friends and I went star gazing.  I was the only one to bring a blanket and Jtween didn't even bring a coat.  It was very cold and very windy.  It was pretty though.  I totally used my star gazer app.  Nerd.  Its prettier the further into the middle of nowhere you go.

Yesterday I really realized how much I hate my major. So I'm applying for change.  I want to be an Art History major.  Totally my thing right?  I don't think they will let me... I have too many credits.  I don't know how I will survive. 

08 January 2012
My weekend was pretty great. Just saying.  Its great.  (: That's all.
05 January 2012
Road trip home
The drive back to the Burg:

We listened to Grant's wide variety of CDs including the soundtrack to a Canadian drama.  Yes.  CDs. He still owns those.  

We stopped in Vegas for our last dose of In-n-Out.  I actually ate a hamburger.  Weird.  I know.

Emi sleeping(:

It took us 14 hours of active driving and one night spent in civilization.

02 January 2012
Back to the Burg
Well.  After 14 hours of driving we are back in the Burg.  Still no snow.  It's really weird.  By this point last year the snow was so high.  This year we don't even have a coating on the ground.  Its super weird.  I have kind of been having a really crappy few weeks.  I thought going home would help.  Then once I was home I thought coming back up here would help.  It didn't.  So.  Now I am just debating not getting out of bed in the morning. hahaha but seriously.
My phone also does this thing where I can't talk to people on it.  Its cool.  i mean I only use that part of the phone more often than anything else.  Oh well.  I want a camera more than a phone right now.
My room is a mess.  I just want to clean until I feel better.  But I got 2 hours of sleep last night. 


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