Chocolate and Boots
I'm feeling kind of lazy.  But I want to update.  So... I'm using Instagram pictures only haha.  

I am now an art history major! It is the best (academic) decision I've made in awhile.  I love it so much. Notice that I have 4 Medieval art textbooks.  It just happens to be my favorite class.  I seriously love it.  I don't care how strange that sounds. 

I went to devotional this week with Grant and one of his rommates.  I never go so I took a really creepy picture.  I tried to get a picture of the sign language translator but he was too far away and it would have been an obvious picture. So no picture of him. 

I went to Grant's house to pick him up and there were no parking spots so I parked in a no parking zone for literally 2 minutes and got booted.  I was annoyed to say the least.  It was kind of funny though.  Never been booted before. 

Then Grant and I made cupcakes! They are supposed to be chocolate cupcakes with caramel filling and whipped ganache frosting. However, we didn't have a candy thermometer so the caramel was too thin and we didn't chill the ganache long enough.  They still taste ok. I had... 3... today.  I haven't eaten much else haha. 

Jenna and I went to the candy store today!  It looks so cute on the outside so we went in to try their candy.  Honestly, the candy and chocolate were disappointing.  The shop was so cute on the inside.  Jenna got a picture of it.  It has castles cute painted walls. Then we went to Taco Bell.  That's where we ate the chocolate.  We be classy.