Too Much TV and Too Much Thinking Time
Okay so there's something that's been on my mind this last week. The concept of cheating in regards to premarital relationships. It first occurred to me a few days ago when I watched an epidsode of Sex and the City where the girls were talking about what cheating is and how it is different to every person. It's like this massive grey area that is defined by personal experience or something. I love all things that are relative to the enviroment of the individual. So this interested me immensely.
So naturally I started asking my friends what cheating meant to them. What is it? Is it definable? Have they ever cheated? Were they ever given the opportunity? It was really interesting hearing some of the similarities and the differences between the different answers. There are some strict versions were nothing is tolerated and others where as long as they aren't sleeping together its fine. Some feel it can be forgiven. While others feel it is the unforgivable sin. Completely subjective. My mom has always told me that its not cheating till you're married. I don't think that is exactly true.
Well. I think my little sister is yelling at me in my sleep to stop typing... even though I am in the other room... It is really late though. No wonder this is such a weird topic to write about on a blog.
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