Dante's Last Level of Hell
I hate the snow.  I honestly do.  Nothing is worse than the ice and snow and wind all working together to make this place the frozen hell it becomes. I can't even walk across a parking lot by myself.  Its quite pathetic.  I slip and fall all the time and give myself bruises or ice burns.  Its awful.  The cold and wind also make my eyes water.  So I constantly look like an emotionally unbalanced psycho.  I've had teachers ask me what's wrong, who broke my heart, etc.  Then I have to explain that my body rejects the cold or something.  I also can no longer wear heels.  I adore heels.  I'm taking this rather hard this year.  I can't wear falsies because my eyes water and make them come off.  I can't wear skirts above my ankle or I freeze to death. Even when I do wear long skirts many times I will wear layers of leggings or yoga pants underneath.
There are no redeemable qualities about this place in the winter time.  Which is 10 months of the year.
Just read Dante's Infereno.  The last level of hell where Satan resides describes the climate of this place beautifully.