Puke and Dancing
So today started out as the climax of my absolutely horrid week.  I kid you not.  I am having an awful week.  I went to bed at 10 last night and woke up every three hours.  Every time I woke up I had a new symptom.  WebMD said first I had a brain tumor, then simmered down to say I had strep.  I recently came in contact with someone with strep... So I was utterly convinced I was dying of strep by the time I woke up again at 9. I felt sick and nasty and it was great.  i went to the doctors.  Got some medicine.  And then promptly puked it out when I got home.  Woooo.  I felt so much better though ahha.  Then I slept and watched some movie that was really confusing on Netflix.

So I decided I was quite recovered after that and went to the most awful ward dance I have had the misfortune to attend in a very long time.  It was terrible.  But!  my roommates had fun.  I'm a total creep and I shall prove it to you:
Bam.  Imma creep.  End of story. 

So that details the day I went from puking to dancing.  

Other things from this week:
Its started snowing this week and I am officially learning how to drive in the snow.  Kenz was kind enough to wipe my windshield for me (':  (Best friend^^)

It is Christmas on Campus!
Also.  This week Kenz and I went down to civilization and I ordered the third book in the Abarat series!!!! I've been waiting years for it.  I highly recommend it.  Read it. Love it.