Bread Baking
Over the summer, I found myself with a lot of time on my hands.  I did not have a job but all of my friends did.  I just had a lot of empty time to fill.  And fill it I did.  One of the things I did was learn about bread.  Not just how to make it, but the why.  I read book after book about bread. I learned about flour and yeast and different cooking methods.  I learned what makes a rustic bread and what makes a sweet bread.  I may or may not have developed a deep love for all things bread.    One recipe that I really love I didn't get from any of my bread books.  I got it from this wonderful lady in my church.  She would bake the most heavenly bread and would gives loafs to my family from time to time.  I fell in love with it.  She gave the recipe to me and I use it often.  It is a simple sweet, sandwhich type bread.  So delicious and quick.  I am teaching my roommate how to make it.  So fun.  We seem to be having difficulties.  Better go fix it!

One of my Favorite Bread Books EVER