Off to the "Big City"
We are off to our nearby "Big City."  That may be a bit of an exaggeration.  However, we are so excited!  We are going to get coffee (which there is an extreme dearth of in my very conservative town) and steak!  We are going to go shopping at a mall.  It is a very small mall but a mall nonetheless.  So stoked.  Yoga pants here i come! 
I am not driving.  My roommate M. is driving.  For some reason they never let me drive.  They have never seen me drive, so they can't fear the skills they don't know I have.  However, perhaps it is their fear of the unknown... hmmmm....
Today I had to take a test.  It closed at 2.  I arrived to take it at 3.  Problem?  I think so.  After emailing my teacher she finally opened it up for me.  Best day ever?  Yep. 
Big City.  Re-opened test.  What next?  I guess we shall see. 

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