Real Fun Real Cold

So yesterday I had a life.  No really.  I did stuff yesterday.  I woke up early (ahem 8:30 am) and went whitewater rafting with some people in my ward.  It was so fun!  I've never been whitewater rafting and i was so scared I'd fall out.  I mean, I fall walking normally so what would prevent me from falling off a raft?  I am happy to report that I did not fall out though.  I have no pictures from this adventure though),:  What a bummer.  I should have taken the water camera from my home even though this would probably be the only time I used it.  The wind was brutal while we were rafting.  It was blowing so hard we were barely moving at some points.  So needless to say I was cold.

After all that jazz I hung out with the Goblin and Krinberry and S.L. and P.G. P.G. is visiting for his and S.L. one year anniversary.  He also happens to be leaving on a mission sometime this month. I can't remember where too.  Anyway.  We hung out with them last night.  We got pie shakes and tried to find the sand dunes so we could light off fireworks.  We somehow managed to miss them and instead turned down many sketchy we-are-so-gonna-die/get-raped roads.  It was frightening.  But we got out of the car and saw all the stars!  Living in the god forsaken middle of nowhere has a few upsides.  One of them being (when its not snowing/raining) that you can see every star in the sky because there is no light pollution around because there is no civilization.  So that's really cool.
We also lit sparklers while on the scary roads.  No fireworks though.  Too much wind.