Bonfire in the Sand
So tonight we were responsible adults and all that jazz and went to FHE.  It is 8 girls and 4 boys. So our apartment and another girl apartment and a guys apartment.  We didn't really know the other girls though.
We drove out to the sand dunes to have a bonfire and roast marshmallows and try to make dutch oven cobbler. That didn't work out.  But we lit a tennis ball on fire and some of the guys threw it around.

I love roasted marshmallows.  But.  I'm not the biggest fan of s'mores... I ate 3 marshmallows and I loved every one.

Kenz's face is so golden and creeper

Me being a creep in the background
It was pretty outside.  Since its the middle of god forsaken no where there were a lot of stars.  My hair smells like smoke now which is a bit of a bummer.  But who cares(: