Talk... Again...
I have to give a talk in church tomorrow.  On judging.  I had to give one over the summer and I was freaking out for days.  I'm sorry to report that my feelings regarding giving this next talk exactly mirror my previous reactions. So far, I have the topic and the one suggested talk the counselor gave me. I'm really nervous.  This talk is slightly shorter than the one I had to give over the summer.  Only 8 minutes instead of 15.  I'm still terribly nervous. On the plus side I think I may know what i want to wear to church tomorrow.  I'm going to wear my Zara black dress with the low back and put my Anthropologie midi skirt over it with my black pumps.  So that at least knocks out a teeny bit of my stress.  Not much, and knowing how I work, I will probably still change 8 times tomorrow before I leave for church anyway.
Totally off topic, but I finally watched the first two Paranormal Activities.  Tonight I think I'm going to see the newest one.